The year of 2009 has been tough for an absolute majority of Russian stainless steel enterprises. Many companies had to cut sales, others changed their business specialization or completely left the market. Against this desperate background some key stainless steel companies have not only retained the foothold but managed to confirm their high profile status and leadership.
Spetsstal Association conducts monthly business activity analysis and market monitors with appraising market players by such criteria as: sales volumes, business publicity and transparency, regional coverage, stock reserves, services, number of personnel, product assortment, foreign activities, number of permanent customers, business reputation, gains in tenders and contests.
Stainless Steel Company Rating 2009:
I. Nomination «The Best National Stainless Steel Producer 2009»
1. Chelyabinsky MK OAO
2. Izhstal OAO
3. Electrostal MZ OAO
II. Nomination «The Best Foreign Supplier of Stainless Steel 2009»
1. Acerinox S.A. (Spain – USA - SAR)
2. Taiyuan Iron & Steel (Group) Co. Ltd. (TISCO),
3. JSC Dneprospetsstal,
III. Nomination «The Best Trader of Stainless Steel 2009»
1. Kontinental GK
2. Passat TK
3. AGIS STAL & Sibpromsnab
4. Globus Stal
5. Salut Union
6. Orinnox
7. Gamma-Steel
8. Arinoi GK
9. Mercury-Metal-Group TD
10. Italinox Ariel
Raiting 2010
In 2010 Spetsstal Association also plans to nominate local and foreign companies running their business on the Russian market for stainless steel.
Nominations for 2010:
· Best National Producer of Stainless Steel
· Best Foreign Supplier of Stainless Steel
· Best Trader of Stainless Steel
· Best Supplier of Stainless Steel Flats
· Best Supplier of Stainless Steel Longs
· Best Supplier of Stainless Steel Seamless Tubes
· Best Supplier of Stainless Steel Welded Tubes
Should you like to participate with your enterprise in the Stainless Steel Company Rating 2010, please contact us on with the email subject: Rating 2010.
Parallelly do not miss out on the year-starting Int’l Stainless Steel Conference! Click here for details
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