79,86 $/bar. 101,96 $/rub. 105,05 €/rub. Ni cash 15680 $/tn Ni 3 months. 15860 $/tn LME Ni 170214 tn Ni average 15362 $/tn Charge Cr 1,52 $/lb

Upcoming events

March 25, 2021 (Thursday, 12.00 - 15.45 Moscow time)

International Online Conference "Stainless Steel Price – 2021"

Hosted by: Spetsstal Association
Working languages ​​of the conference: Russian / English (simultaneous translation)

Leading analysts of the global and Russian stainless steel markets will present their reports at the conference:
- Markus Moll, Managing Director of SMR GmbH,
- Andrey Voronin, Executive Director of the Spetsstal Association.

Thematic reports:

  • Outlook for the Global Stainless Steel Market.
    Opportunities and Risks for Producers, Distributors and Fabricators.
  • Russian stainless steel market. Year-end results and development prospects.
    Dependence on the external market, deferred demand and rising domestic prices.

The conference is aimed at producers, importers and exporters of stainless steel.
The conference will provide detailed information on Russian import, production, export and consumption of the main types of products (CR & HR sheet/coil/strip, CR & HR bar/billets, wire, welded & seamless tube/pipe).

The cost of participation:
From March 13 to March 24, 2021 – 360 USD
For the 2nd participant from the company, a 20% discount is provided.

The registration fee includes:
- Personal participation in the online conference
- Presentations (in PDF) that will be sent to the participant's email

After registration, the participants can send their questions to speakers through the hosts.

After presentations a round table will be held. There the participants will be able to discuss the most important issues and express their point of view on a particular problem.

Order Form

Participants of SpetsSteel Association