79,41 $/bar. 99,93 $/rub. 103,29 €/rub. Ni cash 15850 $/tn Ni 3 months. 16100 $/tn LME Ni 170214 tn Ni average 15397 $/tn Charge Cr 1,52 $/lb

Holding of workshops

For exporting companies one of the most effective methods to promote stainless steel products is conducting open topical workshops in the importing country.
However to do it yourself is very difficult.
Spetsstal Association offers foreign companies, interested in the promotion and sales of products on the Russian stainless steel market, to use organization services and services on holding of workshops on the territory of Russia.

1. Main points of a workshop can be:
- The company's entry on the Russian market,
- The establishment of new business relationships,
- Consolidation of positions and improving the image of the company,
- An increase in sales volumes,
- Search for partners and joint ventures,
- Implementation of any commercial projects.

2. As a part of the seminar Your company will be able to:
2.1. Give presentations (in PowerPoint format):
- About the company and its sales policy, including the Russian market,
- About produced / sold products and features that enhance its competitiveness,
- About prospects of development of cooperation with Russian companies.

2.2. Give participants printed promotional and informational materials.
2.3. Establish personal contacts with participants.
2.4. Conduct preliminary negotiations with potential customers.

Simultaneous English-Russian-English translation will be provided during workshop. This will give English speaking specialists of your company an opportunity to adress the audience.

3. Spetsstal Association will:
3.1. Provide analysis of the Russian consumer market of the chosen by You range of products.
3.2. Identify capacity and business channels.
3.3. Hold workshop's promotional campaign.
3.4. Exercise personal e-mail invitations for the target group of potential buyers.
3.5. Prepare the presentation about the current condition and prospects of development of the Russian stainless steel market.
3.6. Carry out the registration of participants.
3.7. Hold a workshop.
3.8. Prepare a report.

4. Main conditions of the successful holding of the workshop.
4.1. Preparation and holding services are paid by the customer.
4.2. Participation of representatives of Russian companies is free, on the basis of registration.
4.3. Approximate number of workshop participants - up to 50 people.
4.4. The minimum preparation period - 3 months after signing the contract.

Preparation of a workshop will be accompanied by a broad advertising, which will ensure the growth of the partners and customers attention to your company.

If you are interested in our offer please let us know, so we could prepare a personal and more detailed plan of the workshop.

Order Form

Participants of SpetsSteel Association