80,71 $/bar. 102,41 $/rub. 104,86 €/rub. Ni cash 15840 $/tn Ni 3 months. 16000 $/tn LME Ni 169494 tn Ni average 15336 $/tn Charge Cr 1,52 $/lb

Advertisement in bulletin

Informational monthly bulletin "Spetsstal Express" is the official publication of the Spetsstal Association.
Bulletin’s subscribers are executives and senior managers of companies and enterprises, the sphere of activity of whose is stainless steel.
“Spetsstal – Express” is the most reliable and the most informative source of information on Russian stainless steel market. That is why practically all, starting from sole traders to the biggest Russian companies either use information from bulletin or are bulletin’s subscribers.

Advertisement in "Spetsstal - Express".
Advertising in the monthly specialized bulletin "Spetsstal - Express" is one of the most effective tools for delivering business information to potential clients and business partners on the stainless steel market.
The format of the bulletin allows you to place promotional materials: colored modules, price lists, interviews, feature articles, and presentations.

The cost of advertising:
1) Colour Advertisement A4 size - USD 890
2) Colour Advertisement format ½ A4 - USD 670
3) Business Unit (2 pp. = A4 color advertisement + interview / A4) - USD 1490

Application for advertising you can send to us in any form. Our specialist will contact you to clarify all the details.
We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Order Form

Participants of SpetsSteel Association