80,07 $/bar. 103,44 $/rub. 106,25 €/rub. Ni cash 15600 $/tn Ni 3 months. 15835 $/tn LME Ni 164586 tn Ni average 15211 $/tn Charge Cr 1,52 $/lb

Imports of stainless steel coils to Russia rises 23.2%

Metal service centers are effectively influencing the structure of imports of stainless flat-rolled steel to Russia. According to SpetsStal's appraisal, in 2013, comparing with 2012, the volume of flats import rose 23.2% to 65,180 tons. This figure includes imports of HR coils which rose 111.9% up to 6003 tons and of CR coils - 18,1% up to 59,177 tons.

The rise of the coils imports is connected with an expansion of steel cutting services on the domestic market.

You will receive the first-hand information on Russia's stainless steel industry and market if you attend the upcoming international conference 'Stainless Steel for Modern Russia' (27 March 2014, Moscow Radisson Hotel).

For all the details, please follow this link http://en.stainless-conference.ru/

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